Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stroke Quiz Horsey Quiz!!!?

Horsey Quiz!!!? - stroke quiz

1 - My horse eats, I can I do?

1.whisper ear
2.stroke that
Only 3.leave

2 - I went to my horse in his stall to see. When I think that caution
1. Before
2.The that

3 - What must the rider who has no right of way in an indoor arena or outside?

1.Stop under
2.GO on the inside track
3.Nothing is the person who has the right of way, must respond

Please use the response options. Thank you!


Equestri... said...

1) 3
2) 1, but not 100% sure what this question
3) 2

shorty81... said...

1) # 3
2) it must be careful at all times when it comes to your horse
3) # 1 and # 2 that everything about the situation, depends on you myself

mitchell... said...

1. 3
2. i dont get it. 2?
3. depends on the situation. 1 or 2 1 may 2 if possible.

Horse_Gi... said...

Howrse huh?
"You should make sure to leave
"We must be careful before I think
"Stop in the middle

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