Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ceiling Fabric For Rent Any Ideas For Ugly Living Room Floor To Ceiling Brown Paneling When I Rent And Can Not Touch It With Paint?

Any ideas for ugly living room floor to ceiling brown paneling when I rent and can not touch it with paint? - ceiling fabric for rent

I have an apartment through a lovely courtyard and veranda. The panels from floor to ceiling is discusting brown faux wood. I love the design of oriental origin, and watched the walls of fabric, but it's just a lot of time and $ $ $. What can I do?


Nurse Susan said...

What color is the bottom? What kind of furniture? Panels are light, medium, dark or brown?
Add me to give red and gold on an oriental appearance.
1] Get bamboo door curtains, windows,
2] in Asia and on the sides
3] trunk coffee table
4], sake or tea and
5] Asian art and gold framed mirror.
6] add lucky jade plants

KitKat said...

You can color or the color of their leaves (go to the store for Army Hello sheets) of any desired color, then up or Velcro.

KitKat said...

You can color or the color of their leaves (go to the store for Army Hello sheets) of any desired color, then up or Velcro.

KitKat said...

You can color or the color of their leaves (go to the store for Army Hello sheets) of any desired color, then up or Velcro.

Zasu said...

Use the leaves in place of expensive fabric. Velcro - Sailing.

Knock Knock said...

I get a couple of large wooden curtain rods and a few pieces together the color that you could be next in essence, the curtains of the leaves, because they are cheap at Walmart do you even a few different colors, cut and on colored panels , panel walls and just be creative with these ... Then if you move only receive the DAP Brown to the holes where you fill the curtain rods ....

morgan h said...

Go to The Home Depot, which will enable. THT Choose a color that go well into the room.

Joanne A. said...

I'm with you I do not like the brown signs.

Go to places like Home Depot, Lowes, ship and timber, and you will see your signs that are already covered. You can make false walls of the brown signs. Or is it one of his staff to do it for you.

Or you can buy cheap great pictures to hang on the brown signs. Also you can change the images with the seasons and holidays. That's what we do and really makes a difference. You may want to hobby shops to look through your pictures. You can also provided with the framework in the shops, hobby affordable.

Alternatively, visit the screens.

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